2015: Just like I did last year, I wanted to reflect on 2015 today. GAC has always been a forum for me to share inspiration, things to do, places to see, foods and drinks to eat, and photos, etc. since I started blogging in 2013. However, this year it became a little more personal for me, namely with sharing my pregnancy. I want to thank you for following along and offering words of advice and encouragement along the way. I appreciate every email, Instagram comment, blog post comment, tweet, etc. and honestly, a big reason of why I enjoy blogging so much is because of the feedback I get from you. So, thank you.
So, in this time of reflection, what did I learn this year? I learned that contrary to what I said last year, sometimes you can work hard – I mean throw in everything you’ve got – but still come up with no cigar. See, I’ve learned that life is so much bigger than me. While I’ve always believed in God, it wasn’t until this year that I realized how much I needed Him. That so many things are out of our control and without guidance and trust in Him, it’s easy to get lost along the way. I’ve had anxieties and worries that I’m sure most mothers have and I’ve had to move past them and trust that I am on the path that I’m supposed to be on. The truth is, and I’ve debated about sharing this on GAC, but I suffered a miscarriage very early this year and I want to share this because it completely shaped my year; it helped make me the person I am today. I learned, first hand, that somethings you think are so right and meant to be, aren’t. Life is big. I will never know why it happened and I know my (amazing) doctor assured it was out of our control – her words were “the zipper just didn’t line up the way it was supposed to.” But, I acknowledged my feelings, took time for myself, and eventually, I put my big girl pants back on and believed that tomorrow would be a better day. So deep, so true, so 2015.
JANUARY: Rang in the New Year with friends at Third & Hollywood and then went out in about in Grandview. Enjoyed what seemed like a semi-mild January with more sunshine than usual. Had a fabulous girls’ trip to Miami, Florida that made me question why I don’t go there every winter. Bonus: Watched the sunrise from the air. Honored to be recognized by the Columbus Young Professionals Club as a “Young Professional to Know” – you can read my interview here
FEBRUARY: Tried to stay warm + keep a positive attitude. February was quite a rough month, y’all. Road tripped to Oxford for a college reunion + Dana’s Bachelorette party. Visited Fox in the Snow Cafe and loved it. My little Reagan got spayed and proved she is such a trooper. Published a popular post about where to go on a date night in Columbus.
MARCH: Had a fun girls’ weekend in Cincinnati with my fellow speechies (Senate is amazing, p.s.!). Enjoyed a fun coffee tasting at Mission Coffee Co. Took a fun weekend trip to Pittsburgh. Discovered Alchemy and I’m obsessed. Basically, I ate and drank a ton of really delicious foods and drinks!
APRIL: Loved and adored the warmer weather we had. Spent Easter with family. Finished a juice cleanse with sambaFRESH. Was obsessed with all things colorful, including lots of flowers! Enjoyed 75 degree weather at the Spring Game. Was a part of The Blowout Bar’s menu shoot. Made sure to take in every second of a much-needed spa day at The Spa at River Ridge. Reagan got her first haircut. GAC celebrated her 2nd birthday! Got some fresh air at Goodale Park. Spent a lot of time in my flower garden at home. Cheesy but true: I felt refreshed and renewed after this month.
MAY: Loved. Every single second. Found out I was pregnant. Couldn’t stop planting pretty flowers. Was voted #2 Best Local Blogger in Columbus in 614 Magazine’s ColumBEST Awards. Attended the CCAD Fashion Show for the first time. Started getting back into yoga. Shared my Ultimate, Go-To Beauty Routine with y’all. Welcomed summer with a fun photo shoot at Jeni’s with J. Hannah Photography. Collaborated with Peach Tea Monograms for a fun post.
JUNE: Exhausted everyday from the first trimester. Couldn’t keep my eyes open past 1PM most days. Did manage to have a ball in Charleston, South Carolina for my best friend’s Bachelorette Party. Stayed there for a few days after for a little vacation with Nic. Found ourselves on the same block of the awful tragedy that happened there this summer, just five minutes after the event. I’ll never forget that and let’s just say it will be some time before we venture back to one of our favorite cities. Visited Asheville, North Carolina on our way back home.
JULY: Ventured to Lake Norris in Tennessee for Lindsey & Rob’s joint Bachelorette/Bachelor Party over 4th of July weekend. Spent a weekend camping in Southern Ohio off of Deer Creek for the Annual Snagmaster’s Fishing Tour with friends and family. Craved Haiku every other day. Had many food aversions. Finally started to feel like a human again as I entered my 2nd Trimester towards the end of the month.
AUGUST: Announced our pregnancy on social media! Welcomed my new-found energy and feeling like myself again. It was so nice to not hit the couch every day after work! Started to get out and about in Columbus more after the summer monsoon subsided. Traveled to Granville for a fun Saturday morning. The puppies had a lil’ photo shoot of their own. Flew to NYC for a long weekend and enjoyed every second of exploring and seeing friends. Celebrated my nephew’s 1st birthday and Nic’s (I won’t disclose the number, hehe) birthday. Lincoln turned 5! Was a bridesmaid in Jill’s beautiful wedding. My bump started to make an appearance.
SEPTEMBER: Found out, along with family, that we are having a baby girl!!! Celebrated my 29th birthday. Celebrated my niece’s 1st birthday. Celebrated Nic and I’s 3rd wedding anniversary. Reagan had her 1st birthday. Can you tell September is a favorite month of mine? Got into the fall spirit and checked out the The New Albany Classic for the first time. Worked on one of my favorite posts ever with German Village. Felt like a million bucks. Started on the nursery. Attended some seriously amazing weddings.
OCTOBER: Well, this month just flew by! I tried to enjoy Fall as much as possible. Worked with a few fun companies for the blog. Had my first baby shower. Really made progress with Baby Hamman’s nursery. Tried to enjoy the last few weeks of the honeymoon trimester. Published a post about my 2nd Trimester Pregnancy Essentials.
NOVEMBER: Officially in my last trimester and the pregnancy started to feel very real. My best friend got married and I gave a Matron of Honor speech. I had my second and last baby shower. Loved seeing so many friends and family. Hosted a fun Friendsgiving that we plan on becoming a tradition. Celebrated Thanksgiving in Marietta with my in-laws and also back home with my family.
DECEMBER: Growing bump, hello. Although I don’t want to complain , the aches and pains came with it. Starting to feel uncomfortable but knowing I’m in the home stretch so trying to embrace it. Bought a new Christmas tree. Enjoyed a Blogger Brunch at The Guild House. Celebrated the holidays. Attended German Village Lights. Loved the warmer weather we had. Baked way too many Red Velvet Cookies and listened to a ton of Christmas music. Realized I will become a mother next month. Made goals for 2016 but tried to remind myself this coming year is less about me and more about this little miracle that will be arriving very soon. Hoping to find balance amongst it all. Trusting God.
What a great end-of-year post! Also, thank you for sharing some of your personal experiences. I had a miscarriage last Christmas, and while very common it is still and always will be a heartbreaking experience. I believe we don’t talk about the topic of miscarriage because it is sad and often others just don’t know what to say; but by sharing our stories, I think we can raise awareness, help others, and continue to recover from our loss. My baby girl was born in November and reminds me each day is a new day and fresh start! Happy New Year and best wishes for a safe and speedy delivery!