The famous Brooklyn Bridge was a must-see for me while in New York last weekend!
Whenever I have seen this bridge on TV and in pictures, I had never imagined the amount of people that were actually in route on this historic bridge that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn over the East River.
With the sun beating down on us, dodging hundreds of pedestrians and multiple bikers (one of which looked strikingly similar to Owen Wilson… hmmm, maybe!?), Nic and I managed to pull off a few shots of The Brooklyn Bridge. Nic actually had to pull me out of a biker’s way a few times! I’m actually living on the edge for a second and standing in the biker’s lane for the above picture! It was crazy!
Mid-morning or late evening could potentially be a better, less hectic time to visit the bridge… or maybe not. I mean, it is New York City! 🙂
Nonetheless, I can’t believe The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1883! At the time it was built, it was the largest suspension bridge in the world. It is truly an amazing work of American architecture!
Wearing: Mossimo T-Shirt (so comfy + cheap!) | Free People Sunglasses | New Balance Sneakers
I love the Brooklyn Bridge, but it is a bit stressful to walk. 🙂 We did it once, and are glad we did, but that was probably enough. lol Dumbo is the best! Pizza and Ice cream!
Also….Roebling, who built the bridge, built a prototype in Ohio. The Roebling Suspension bridge in Cincinnati is a sister to the Brooklyn Bridge. No wonder it’s such a beautiful bridge!
Love the pics.
Thank you for this info! I thought I had heard there was a tie between the Brooklyn Bridge and Ohio but wasn’t sure what it was!
And yes, I agree… once was enough! 🙂