I feel like I say this every month, but wow! November really flew by. I’ll be honest though, November is not my favorite month. By the end of or even mid-month, the pretty leaves have fallen to the ground, there’s…
A Look Back: Last Fall
I’ve been brainstorming a lot about great blog posts for the next several weeks and the options are seemingly endless – Fall in Ohio is the best time! I also can be very nostalgic this time of year which has…
Columbus Pinspiration
^ Awesome photos of the Mission Coffee Co. Coffee Cart. ^ Where to get great gluten-free desserts in Columbus. ^ Pretty pics from the Jeni’s blog. ^ Columbus Crave’s date ideas for the foodie. ^ A snap of pretty flowers…
Parade of Homes Part II: Interiors
While the Parade homes’ exteriors were amazing, I was especially inspired by the above interiors to translate to my new home – I am particularly obsessed with: the rainbow room (top picture of this post), the stunning gold sunburst vanity mirror, and the twins’ nursery…
2014 BIA Parade of Homes: Exteriors
Ever since I partnered with Diane from Central Ohio Living on this post, I had been dying to go back and tour all 12 homes at the 2014 BIA Parade of Homes at Trail’s End in Powell! I finally was…
Life via Instagram: July
While June was an absolute whirlwind, I was able to settle a lil’ more into the summer season this July. I still have a million more things I would love to do this summer (can’t it just last forever?) but…
Cimi’s Bistro at Pinnacle Golf Club
Last night, I went to one of my favorite restaurants, Cimi’s Bistro at the Pinnacle Golf Club in Grove City. I truly think this restaurant is a hidden gem – they have the most amazing patio overlooking the course, with…
My Weekend in Photos
Baby Shower Idea: On the Farm
This past weekend, I went to the prettiest baby shower ever for my sis-in-law! The farm theme went perfectly for our setting – which was at an actual (and beautiful) farm. I hope you find some inspiration in these photos…
Life via Instagram : June
To reflect back on June, it couldn’t have been busier! I bought + renovated a house w my husband + moved. Whew, time for some much-needed R & R this week! While it was such a great experience, I’m looking…
Hoover Dam in Westerville
Top: Gap | Jeans: Gap similar here | Flats: Target If you’re like me, you tend to gravitate towards the water during the summer months and in Columbus, it’s common knowledge that we are limited with water beyond the Scioto River…
My Weekend in Photos
^Ready for the weekend roaming around German Village, one of the best neighborhoods in Columbus. Excited for a well-deserved weekend off from working on the home renovations ^these lemon ricotta pancakes from brunch at Lindey’s in German Village really…