With Spring comes a few new home updates! Do you guys do the same thing?
On Instagram stories a week or so ago, I asked you all what you would like to see more of on GAC and “Home” content ranked towards the top of y’alls wants! So, I thought it would be fun to share a few new updates we’ve made to our house.
We bought a fixer upper nearly 6 years ago and it’s been a work in progress but we are getting there. Renters had it before us and the carpet was torn, the walls were yellow, and the place just looked sad. BUT it had great bones!
We’ve been piecing things together for years now. I didn’t want to finish everything all at once nor did we have the money to do so! Home buying and furnishing is expensive! I got all of these beautiful pieces from Morris Home Furniture!

We recently (finally) began our kitchen update which included painted white cabinets and a new island. We temporarily were using our old brown barstools from when lived in an apartment but it was time to add barstools that actually match the look I’m going for in the kitchen – which is bright, white, and clean!

We also needed a new comfy reading chair. I originally intended for this chair to go in our bedroom with a lamp beside it for reading. This turned out to be crazy though as the space in our bedroom is HALF the size of this chair. Ha, ha! My bad! My spatial awareness was a bit off on that one!
However, it goes so well in our living room, matching our current color scheme of blues/greys/beige. The chair actually has an ottoman that I wish I would’ve gotten to match it as it would be SOOOOO majorly comfy then (it’s already the comfiest chair though), but again, we didn’t have the space.
It’s quickly becoming one of those pieces that I look at in my home that makes me smile. Cheesy, I know, but so true! Home decor lovers, you feel me right?! I just won’t let anyone eat on this chair though, given its light color 🙂

My favorite room in the house has quickly became Ava’s BIG GIRL ROOM! I can’t believe she’s in a big girl bed but the transition has been smooth so far. Just 3 months ago, she looked at me and said, “Mom, I don’t need a big girl bed. I already HAVE a bed!” This time around, the conversation went much differently and she was so excited to get her big girl bed and pick out her bedding. I got this three-piece set from Morris Home and it was on clearance! It includes a twin bed frame, nightstand, and a dresser.

Now, here’s something you’ll want to know: Morris Home Furniture is currently running a major promotion in their at their Polaris (Gemini Place) store! If you go to their store, snap a few selfies, show them, and play Zoomball, you could win the $50,000 of FREE FURNITURE GRAND PRIZE. Um, hello, new entire house of furniture! This promotion runs through 4/23! Good luck 🙂

Adorable big girl room! I love all the white furniture with pops of bright color. And the pictures of Ava and small personal touches are so cute! Lyla just turned 2 so not quite there yet but I know any day now she will try to escape her crib. We have the toddler converter set for ours with matching low/wide dresser that we used as a changing table knowing we could keep it functional even as she grows older. But I def want to go back and look at removing the decorative items that are more baby related and bring some big girl pieces in!