I can’t believe that I only have a couple more weeks left in my second trimester! It’s definitely time for a bumpdate, just like the one I did when I was pregnant with Ava:How far along: 26 weeks! 3 more months!
Gender: Girl
Decided on a name? Yes! It was definitely more difficult this time around to decide on a name but we love the one we’ve chosen!
Total weight gain: Around 17 lbs. already & trying to remind myself this is exactly how much I had gained at this time with Ava!
Maternity clothes: I’ve had to wear a lot more maternity clothes this time around! I think it’s because I started showing a bit sooner and because of the time of year. A lot of my sweaters & winter clothes are too short! My sister-in-law lent me her entire maternity wardrobe which has been amazing, especially for work & my mom + dad gifted me some maternity work pants so I don’t have to live in leggings (although I wouldn’t mind it) the rest of my pregnancy. At home, I prefer maternity tees from Target + Old Navy, a cardigan, and maternity leggings.
Sleep: I’ve been using my pregnancy pillow which makes it a bit more difficult to get up for a trip to the bathroom but is worth it for the added back/hip support. Some nights I sleep great and others I’ve been waking up quite a bit.
Exercise: With this cold weather that’s been hanging around lately, I haven’t been able to go on as many long family/dog walks as I did with Ava. I have done a lot more yoga this pregnancy though than last time! My favorite is doing it on YouTube – Sara Beth Yoga is my go-to!
General Health: Um, it seems like if there is something to be caught lately, I get it. I’ve had a lot more headaches this time around and congestion. My immune system is not the greatest right now, unfortunately. I think it’s definitely related to this crazy weather and time of year. I’ve felt more pressure and have already felt Braxton Hicks!
Best moment thus far: Hearing Ava talk about her “baby sister!”
Miss anything? Caffeine as needed, wine, having energy. I’ve been pretty zapped this time around!
Movement: I have an anterior placenta this time, so I’m just now starting to feel baby girl move around and kick. On my anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks, I couldn’t feel A THING but the tech told me she was going crazy in there and kicking me. Ha, ha. I also feel her more at night than any time. This one may be a wild one!
Food cravings: Lately, all I want is toast with almond butter or avocado. I’m not craving chili cheese dogs from DQ this time around though so I’m thankful for that! My gestational diabetes scan is in two weeks – my fingers are crossed! I had it last time and had to really watch what I ate the last trimester, which basically forced me to eat verrry healthily!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular but whoa I’ve definitely had some sickness this time around, especially in the evenings!
Happy or moody most of the time: More moody this time around I think! This pregnancy has been very different from Ava’s all the way around! I think it definitely has to do with not being able to rest as much because I’m chasing after a toddler and the fact that I’m a little older now
Biggest fear: Safely delivering a healthy baby. While delivering Ava was by far the best day of my life, it’s true what they say: Ignorance is bliss!
Looking forward to: Decorating the nursery. Meeting this little girl. Expecting my heart to melt even more. Watching Ava become a big sister. Seeing our family grow!
My sister-in-law sent me all of her maternity clothes as well! It was such a lifesaver!