today I’m sharing my tips for cutting hydrangeas and how I use them in my home! hydrangeas of all kinds are my favorite – & I have planted all kinds of them in my yard – annabelle, french, limelight, and oakleaf.

while I adore hydrangeas in my garden for adding pops of color and glimmers of light, i also love cutting them and love bringing them inside my home to enjoy, especially during the hot summer months when we’re not outside as much to enjoy them.
french hydrangeas are, by far, my favorite to cut & bring inside! i also love the lime green annabelles as well as dried limelights after they’ve turned that gorgeous pink color in the fall.

some tips & tricks I’ve picked up over the years for cutting them + making them last as long as possible:
Tips for Cutting Hydrangeas
- Cut in the morning when they should be at their max hydration for the day
- Cut the stems at an angle
- Remove all of the leaves from the stem
- Let them sit in a cool, possibly even dark area, for a couple of hours
- Dunk the actual flower in water bc that’s how they soak up water
- Change the water every couple of days

one of my favorite places to use cut hydrangeas include on a tablescape for a festive summer brunch… or just because! I also love adding pops of pink around my home – on our buffet table or in our powder bathroom.

cut hydrangea bouquets do not need to be huge – i mean of course they are absolutely gorrrgeous when you have a ton of them – but they are also stunning in smaller bouquets.

if you want to try drying limelight hydrangeas, i suggest waiting until the fall to freeze that beautiful muted pink color. i simply cut them and do not use water with them. they will quickly dry and you can use them all year round to decorate with!

in my next life, i’d like to be a flower farmer, haha! no, but seriously! i love tending to and talking about flowers of all kinds… but hydrangeas have my heart!

what did I leave out? leave a comment below!
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