Summertime allows for a lot more reading time and I recently purchased and am reading two AMAZING parenting books I’d love to share with you!
The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies inspires me to completely change the set up of our playroom structure and design, allowing for the girls to grab toys that are more organized, beautifully presented, and educational but fun!
This book is also changing the way I see all toddlers especially my own. The book explains how toddlers have no mean bones in their body. I mean, I pretty much knew that… (I think!) but it helps me to know they are just trying to learn how to be civilized pretty much.
The book explains so many topics so well and honestly, I’ve felt myself have A TON more patience with my determined 3.5 year old since reading it. It covers a wide range of topics such as how to set up a Montessori environment, Montessori activities for toddlers, how to encourage curiosity in your children, and even more. A must read!
French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon is a book I’ve had my eye on for awhile and it was TIME to start reading this one! Ava used to eat everything! But now… she tends to only go for the sweets and carbs, bypassing nearly every green we give her.
Ellie does a pretty good job so far with eating a wide range of food groups and I want her to stay that way… hence my curiosity about how French children eat SO healthily!
It’s their culture and way of life and I know we Americans have a long way to go as a society… but in my mind, food is all about being educated as well as habits. I just started this one, but again, I can’t put it down!
Would love to hear about any great parenting books you’ve read lately! Thanks for reading!
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