Having delivered twice now, I feel like my hospital bag was packed completely differently the second time around (and way more in advance as I kept hearing how second deliveries happen quickly)! I found checklists for what to pack extremely helpful in not forgetting anything, and also to not pack EVERYTHING, so I wanted to share what I actually needed and used during our hospital stay! Your hospital should have all of the not-so-fun items, like disposable underwear, pads, ice packs, peri-bottles, gowns, and socks. The hospital also should have a breast pump available as well as diapers/hats/wipes/sleep sacks for your baby. The following are my recommendations for what to pack in your hospital bag to make your stay more comfortable… but this is also a very practical list! I’ve seen some lists that basically have you packing your entire house!
For Mama:
- – NURSING TANKS – I have so many of these nursing tanks from Target from my first pregnancy! They’re inexpensive and get the job done!
- – NURSING BRAS – This is my favorite nursing bra! I have it in the beige, black, and blush! It’s sooo comfortable and it’s wireless which is essential, especially in the hospital!
- – DARK, LOOSE-FITTING PANTS/PJS – I brought these ones and they’re seriously the SOFTEST, comfiest pants EVER (and under $17)!!! They’re perfect for your maternity leave too!
- – BREAST PADS – When your milk comes in, you can definitely leak and nothing is worse than having wet clothes from that! Go ahead and pack a few of these for the hospital! This is my favorite kind.
- – ROBE – I brought this one under $25 that matched my black pj pants! I prefer to bring a robe that’s not bulky & one that I can easily throw over a nursing tank!
- – SLIPPERS – For walking the halls or around your room! I brought these ones.
- – BREASTFEEDING PILLOW – I brought my Boppy and am so glad I did! Nursing in a hospital bed requires some strategic pillow placement and one of these helps. I’ve also heard great things about this pillow!
- – NIPPLE CREAM – Apply this after EVERY feeding! I didn’t do this with my first pregnancy and truly regretted it!!! The pain is real. This time around, I brought this kind to the hospital (it has some seriously rave reviews) and have been alternating use that one and this one (which I also love) at home! Has made a ton of difference already!
- – SNACKS – Because Lord knows you’ll be SO hungry! We packed KIND bars, apples, peanut butter crackers, etc. but we still could’ve packed more! Try to focus on healthy protein and fat-packed snacks!
- – LONG CELL-PHONE CHARGER – Because the hospital’s outlets are never really close to your bed & you’ll definitely want to have your phone charged! Here are some great charger options.
- – BLANKET – Definitely a way to make your room/bed feel more homey. Plus, you’ll likely alternate between hot/cold during your stay (thank you, hormones!) and you’ll be happy you have an extra layer when you need it.
- – PILLOW OR TOWEL FROM HOME – Although we didn’t bring either of these, hospital towels are notorious for being stiff and the pillows are known for being very thin! If you want to be super comfortable/pampered, then by all means, throw these in your car to take!
- – MUSIC SPEAKER – Calming during labor! And nice to have in your room too. We loved having our Bose during our stay!
- – CAMERA – Yes, of course you can just bring your phone! But if you have a camera, you definitely don’t want to forget this. So many precious first moments.
- – FLIP FLOPS – You will NEED these for every time you go in the bathroom! Especially when you shower! Don’t forget them
- – LIP BALM – Both hospital stays, I’ve felt like my lips get dry waaay quicker than usual! Labor/hormones/dry air… whatever it is, don’t forget your lip balm! Sure the hospital will have some as back up, but go ahead and bring your fave.
- – BASIC TOILETRIES – Nothing major! But if you want to feel semi-human, packing face wash, shampoo, conditioner, and some basic makeup (blush/bronzer, concealer, mascara)
- – GOING HOME OUTFIT FOR YOU – Again, you’ll want to be comfy! I wore these pants and this top with these tennis shoes!
For Baby:
- – GOING HOME OUTFIT – Something cozy, of course! But I also like to put my girls in an outfit that could be potentially become a pass-down/family heirloom! I put Ava in a sweet, polka dot one-piece from Nordstrom Baby (love all of their things!) and Ellie came home in this sweet monogrammed set (pictured, above). I also love this site for their loungewear pieces!
- – HAT – The hospital will have a hat for you but you may want to bring some of your own! Those babes definitely will need to wear one during their stay
I love these ones.
- – COMFY ONESIE – We loveee these onesies for the newborn stage because the mitten cuffs cover their sweet hands and they can be worn by itself or underneath layers!
- – SLEEPERS – Any of these comfy basics are perfect for your newborn! Get the zipper (and not the buttons) for nighttime changes though!
- – SWADDLE BLANKET – Again, the hospital will have this but I always like putting my girls in their own! I have a ton of cute swaddles but these ones are just the cutest!
- – BOWS – I’ve been such a bow lover for my girls! You’ll only have a bow on your newborn for a photo or two but you’ll definitely want to pack some options if you have a girl! Bows, pictured below: Pink Baby Bling bow, cream linen bow, and lavender bow.
- – BURP CLOTH – The softest burp cloths can be found here! You’ll definitely want to pack a burp cloth and use it for spit-ups or to wipe off their sweet face.
- – BABY NAIL CLIPPERS/SCISSORS – Because those babes come out with razor sharp nails and you’ll want to take care of those ASAP! These scissors are perfect!
Bonus: Bring some special treats/donuts/candy/etc. for your nursing staff!
Anything else that you brought to the hospital that you found helpful during your delivery stay? I’d love to hear!
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